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I’m here to tell you that the  works — it brought me what you see below (but yes, we had to take action in a BIG way); it brought me my dream car, my dream mate and more than I can even share in this small space. Over the years, the Universe has been very good to me — I have no complaints — only thankfulness that I live to see such times as these!

And — for phase two sequence one — in March cheap wholesale bags I am leaving the day job behind after 40 years of working for the corporate world. I will be working 100% from home in the comfort of the office I designed bags for just that purpose. Yep, we moved onto the land in 2000 and it took us three years to build, two years to “pretty her up” and a few more years just hanging out while working the land.

Before I made that commitment, I used to dream about a lot of things — one of which was designing and building my dream house in the Sierra. If you think we did this because we had a “lot of money” or hired a bunch of contractors — think again. We started this project with a construction loan and a little bit of cash, that’s it — and we fully expected to hire people to do bags the work for us: wholesales bag !Neither my husband nor I had any design wholesale bags construction experience when we started this project. He’d done some cabinet refacing, some tile work and built a less-than-perfect dog house. Had we known what we would face, I can’t honestly say we would take it on. But that’s the beauty of working with the Universe as your partner — you just need to take the first steps and She will meet you along your journey.

We drew to us a contractor, who for a few hundred dollars provided us cheap wholesale bags  real-live “crash-course” in construction over a two-day period. From there, we took over.
What we did hire contractors for are these things: grading, foundation, septic, trusses, sheetrock, insulation, HVAC and carpet.That’s it!
We did ABSOLUTELY everything else, without experience, but with the Universe by our side every step of the journey.

