
Never turn your deaf ear to the advice:choose the handbags in wholesale company!

The accessories, handbags is one of the most popular fashion accessories. When you select a handbag, usually bag style is the most important feature of. Other? Handbag colors. They are browsing, when you select a handbag. If you are looking for a perfect handbag, you should also take into consideration all cheap wholesale handbags. Most of the bag is composed by eight parts, including the fabric, lining, belt, hardware, wire, glue, zipper and button. Each part has different quality standards.
Handbag surface
The bag surface like a person's face. When you find yourself like style, you should see the handbag surface of the first. Good quality bag should have a smooth surface. And, apart from the design does not necessary joint. The surface should have a uniform color no bubbles and exposed leather edge.
Handbag lining
Most of the lining is textile or artificial materials. Whatever the material, color and surface coordinate handbag. With more joint so that the thread should be compact and not too loose.
Handbag rope
This is the most important part, especially for some handbags style, such as cheap wholesale handbags for women cross body bag of. You should pay more attention to this part, because it is in the vulnerable part of handbags. When you buy a handbag, bag check braces itself, have a look whether there are cracks and suture is good or not. In addition, the joint between the bag body check and strap is powerful enough to.

Handbag hardware
As a decorative fashion handbags, bags, handbags hardware plays an important role in the great. So we must pay attention to hardware design, shape and work when you are shopping bags, especially if the hard products with a golden color.
Handbag cross stitch
No matter the surface thread or hidden line, the length of the coil should be even without any thread residues. In fact, the stitch length is a handbag handbag designer component design.
Handbag glue
You may not be aware of the role of the glue in the handbag. However, you can see it everywhere, such as surface and lining adhesion, combined with the strap and the handbag body, combination and different parts of the. How to check it? As long as these parts, and check their sticking well.
Handbag zipper
The zipper has decoration and closing function wholesale bags from China. If you get a broken zipper bag, a real headache. On the one hand, the bag is not safe to use. On the other hand, replacing the zipper is time-consuming and the final results may affect the handbag art. Therefore, please ensure you in shopping checkout zipper.
Even a small part of the button bag. However, a loose button can completely destroy your package image so it took a little time to check the button drop ship bags.
Is the quality above the handbag can also regulate quality control check point, the production process in the handbag. So, you can use your careful quality inspection in accordance with the above recommendations enjoy lasting bag.

